Friday, 21 November 2014

No Sick Fish : Fish Disease And Treating Fish With Ich

As the proud owner of an aquarium or fish tank, you have to be vigilant and make sure your tank is free of any parasites or bacteria that can cause disease. Some infections and fish diseases are relatively easy to treat, but others could be more dangerous and even fatal. Whether you own a marine tank or a fresh water aquarium your pets may be at risk of some of the more common fish diseases.

We have the best reef safe fish tank medicine on the market today. Don’t buy cheap imitations when your fish are sick, get No Sick Fish medication. With our high quality treatments you can get your tank back in shape in a matter of day’s. Here at No Sick Fish we have a comprehensive range of fish medicine to help keep your tanks and fish clear of disease and parasites.

When you approach the medication tropical fish screen on your local aquarium store, you're confused as to what to buy? What should I have in my kit for that occasional illness that appears, you might ask. How to diagnose the disease appears to have my fish? And what is the cause? How am I supposed to know what I buy when I can not even pronounce the name on the package? How I can know what the symptoms indicate what disease? Where I can find information that will help me answer some of these questions? If you have found yourself asking one or more of these questions, then you are not alone! Most of us are not used to treat the disease trust doctors to do just that for us! In most cases, the search for a doctor to treat sick fish that is a pretty useless task. By the time you get to the doctor fish, fish has been the subject of much stress and transportation networks to be a failure anyway!

Some diseases are more prevalent in fresh water tanks while others only affect salt water aquaria. Check the list below for some of the most common fish disease.

Marine ich is a common parasite that affects saltwater fish. It has 4 common stages or forms and all 4 can exist within your tank at any time once it has been affected. The only way of treating marine ich is to treat your tank once it has been infected. treating fish with ich is a process and where you have to be deliberate with each step. Treatment takes time, but it is possible to rid your tank of the disease.

Monday, 20 October 2014

No Sick Fish : Treating Fish With Ich In New Hampton

All No Sick Fish ( ) aquarium supplies and fish treatments are easy to use, so there’s no need for hot water or solvents. Our fish medications are 100% safe for your fish when used at the recommended dosage.

Marine Ich

If you have a saltwater tank, you have most likely experienced some type of marine ich issue. This means that you need to know what marine ich is and what causes it in order to fight against it. This is a type of parasite that affects only saltwater fish ich ( ) and develops below the skin and gills. This type of parasite on saltwater fish often results in white spots on the body of the fish. However, it is important to note that the white spots are not the marine ich parasite. These white spots are simply a symptom of the parasite and a reaction to the body of the fish.

marine ich parasite

This parasite is the enemy and you must have a better understanding of it. This type of parasite is classified as an ecotoparasite. This means that there has to be a fish in the tank for the parasite to exist. The marine ich is a parasite that has about 4 different stages during its life cycle. However, if a tank has been infected, all 4 different forms can exist at any given moment. However, you can kill the parasite and remove all forms from your tank. Marine ich can be destroyed.

The treating fish with ich ( ) of the fish depends on the amount of injury done to the tail and fin of the fish.. Can scrub the interior walls of the tank and clean the gravel to remove any solid residue which is in the lower layers. Take the gravel, it will help to better cleaning. You have to reduce harmful bacteria in the tank. Replace the water tank. If there is any activated carbon in the filter, it is necessary to take them out too. 

reef safe fish mediaction

Fish processing depends on the amount of damage to the tail fins of fish. You can use Melafix with aquarium salt. This will prevent the biological filter in your tank intact. You should mix the salt with water otherwise it will burn the fish. This medicine has no side effects on a regular tropical fish. 

Water will become foamy, once you have added the drug. But, the foam will go away when the treatment is done and the water has been replaced. how to treat ich on fish ( ) includes mainly replacing the water tank, clean the sides of the tank, and vacuum the gravel. You will be able to get rid of harmful bacteria in this way and the fins and tail of the fish also heal. Fish fins grow back. If you do not get these results then you should move the fish to another tank with the strongest medicine.